You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.1. Sales Order Processing Overview > How MDS Calculates Prices During Order Entry

How MDS Calculates Prices During Order Entry

During the order entry process, Micronet checks each of the pricing filters shown below to determine the default customer price for any items being added to an order. The user has the opportunity to override any of these prices providing that their level of security is set to allow this.

Micronet Pricing Hierarchy

Customer's order

When the debtor's ID is first entered, Micronet checks their on hold status to see if it is OK to sell items to this customer. Micronet then checks the system parameters to determine if any invoices exceed the system debtor days and then checks the customer's available credit. Lastly, Micronet checks the debtor's sales tax status and, if they are using a periodic sales tax number, checks to see that the order date falls within the valid date ranges.

Items and quantity being ordered

When an item is entered onto the order, Micronet checks the availability of the item and then whether the item is a diminishing, non-diminishing, assembled or manufactured item. If the item is going to fall into an out-of-stock situation, the user has the choice of creating a backorder or accepting the shortfall as a lost sale.

Debtor default price 1-8

Once the item has been selected, Micronet checks to see what retail or wholesale price 1-8 this customer defaults to.

Contract pricing

If the customer quotes a contract number, Micronet checks to see if the item being purchased is covered by any contract pricing and that the contract has a valid date range.

Special pricing

If a contract is not quoted, Micronet checks to see if the customer has any special pricing in place for this item.

Quantity breaks

Micronet checks to see if the item has any quantity breaks active. If yes, it checks the actual quantity being ordered and returns the new selling price applicable 1-8.

Discount matrix

Micronet checks the customer's discount matrix for the category of this item to see if there is any percentage or net $ discount to be applied to the resulting selling price 1-8.

Product category minimum gross margins

Once the final selling price is determined, Micronet checks the item category to see if the gross margin percentage (as set by management) is acceptable and warns the user if it is not.

GST/sales tax applicable

Micronet checks to see if tax/GST should be applied as required by the sales tax laws.

Print the invoice/slip/quote

Once the order has been completed, Micronet checks to see if this debtor has any customised forms and then prints the relevant invoice/quote/slip in either the default format or the customised format as required.